
2020-07-26 01:51:00 来源:




U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Healthcare

Lessons Learned Amid a Pandemic: How the United States and China can Collaborate on Global Health Crises



中美健康二轨对话特别公共活动将于北京时间2020年7月31日早晨8点举行,届时欢迎中外公众一同参与此次中美专家关于健康的对话和讨论。美中关系全国委员会主席史蒂夫·欧伦斯将主持这场对话,北京大学国家发展研究院博雅特聘教授、教育部经济学长江学者特聘教授刘国恩教授,中国疾病预防控制中心主任高福,美国国家医学科学院外务卿,美国食品和药物管理局前局长Margaret Hamburg,美国食品和药物管理局前局长、杜克大学商学及医学健康政策玛戈里斯讲习教授Mark McClellan,默克副总裁Julia Spencer等中美专家,将一同对公共健康改革、隔离政策与医疗保健供给等方面的问题进行深入的探讨。


In mid-July 2020, the National Committee convened a virtual session of its U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Healthcare.  Coming in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the participants discussed how our two nations can work together on global health crises. The topics include public health reforms, containment strategies, and healthcare delivery, and further reforms.


Join the National Committee on July 31 at 8:00 a.m. Beijing time, to hear takeaways and lessons learned from U.S.-CHINA TRACK II DIALOGUE ON HEALTHCARE. National Committee President Stephen Orlins will lead a conversation with George Gao, Director-General, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine and former Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration; Gordon Liu, PKU BOYA Professor of Economics, Ministry of Education Yangtze River Scholar Professor of Economics, National School of Development, Peking University; former FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan, Director, Robert J Margolis Center for Health Policy and Margolis Professor of Business, Medicine and Health Policy, Duke University; and Julia Spencer, Associate Vice President, Global Vaccine Public Policy, Partnerships and Government Affairs, Merck.


议程       Schedule


时间:            2020年7月31日(星期五)              Time: July 31, 2020  (Friday)

8:00-8:05      史蒂夫·欧伦斯先生致辞                   Opening remarks by Mr Steve Orlins

8:05-8:45      每位嘉宾主旨分享 8:15-8:45            Keynote speech by each guest speaker

8:45-9:00      对话环节 8:45-9:00                       Panel discussion

9:00-9:30      问答环节 9:00-9:30                       Q&A



This meeting will be broadcasted online exclusively by "Bilibili" of NSD, Peking University. Please scan the QR code below for the registration.




【主持人】Steve Orlins


President of the National Committee. Prior to that, he was the managing director of Carlyle Asia.








Gordon G. Liu is the BOYA Professor of Economics, and the Ministry of Education Yangtze River Scholar Professor of Economics at the National School of Development at Peking University. Dr. Liu serves as vice dean of PKU Faculty of Economics and Management, and director of PKU China Center for Health Economic Research (CCHER). He currently sits on the China State Council Health Reform Advisory Commission, and the UN Sustainable Development and Solution Network (SDSN) Leadership Council, where he co-chairs the SDSN Health Thematic Group. He is on the 2020 China National Expert Panel for COVID-19.




George Gao is the director-general of the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Dr. Gao is vice president of the National Natural Science Foundation of China; and director and professor of the CAS Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbiology and Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.



Margaret “Peggy” Hamburg


Margaret “Peggy” Hamburg is Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine and former Commissioner and President of American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS). Dr. Hamburg is an internationally recognized leader in public health and medicine. She is the former commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).



Mark McClellan

杜克大学Robert J Margolis健康政策中心主任、杜克大学商学、医学与健康政策玛戈里斯讲习教授、美国食品和药物管理局前局长

Mark McClellan, M.D., Ph.D., is director and Robert J. Margolis, M.D., professor of business, medicine and health policy at the Margolis Center for Health Policy at Duke University. Dr. McClellan is a physician-economist who focuses on quality and value in health care, including payment reform, real-world evidence and more effective drug and device innovation.



Julia Spencer


Julia Spencer serves as the associate vice president of global vaccines public policy, partnerships, and government affairs at Merck.




作为“中美两国人文交流机制的配套活动”之一,北京大学国家发展研究院与美国美中关系全国委员会联合举办的 “中美健康二轨对话”始于2017年,每年举办一次,在中国和美国交替举办。来自中美两国政界、商界和学术界的代表针对中美两国医疗健康领域面临的相关主题进行坦诚深入的对话交流,并形成一定共识。对话成果上报中美两国国务院相关部委,供双方政府决策参考。

The " U.S.-China Track II Dialogue on Healthcare ", held by the National School of Development (NSD) at Peking University and The National Committee on United States-China Relations, started in July 2017 and is held once a year. It is held alternately in Washington, D.C. and Beijing.  Chinese and American scholars, business leaders and other relevant people discuss healthcare issues faced by both nations and come to a consensus. The results of the dialogue will be reported to the relevant departments of China and the United States for the reference of the two governments in decision-making.




The National School of Development (NSD) at Peking University is a comprehensive college that offers a multidisciplinary environment for teaching and research in economics, management science, and public policy. Its predecessor, the China Centre for Economic Research (CCER), was established in 1994 by Professor Justin Yifu Lin and five other overseas-trained economists. Following its expansion of teaching and research, CCER was renamed the National School of Development in 2008. 





The National Committee on United States-China Relations, founded in 1966, is a private, non-partisan, non-profit organization. For over 50 years, the Committee has promoted understanding and cooperation between the United States and Greater China in the belief that sound and productive Sino-American relations serve vital American and world interests.