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      北京大学中国卫生经济研究中心(China Center for Health Economics Research,)(以下简称“中心”)是于2003年成立的非营利性学术研究机构。中心以促进人类健康为宗旨,以经济学实证研究为基础,通过对卫生政策与医药技术进行科学分析与评估,提高医疗资源配置效率,完善国家卫生制度安排,促进国民健康与社会经济发展。 经过数年的持续发展,中心已经成长为在卫生经济领域集学术研究和政策咨询为一体的国内顶尖、国际知名的学术智库。美国宾夕法尼亚大学发布的《Global Go To Think Tank Index Report》,在各国健康政策的研究智库(Top Domestic Health Affairs Think Tanks)排名中,中心从2016年起一直位列中国第1、全球排名从2016年的第15位上升到2020年的第13位。中心在2009年被评为北京大学第二届人文社会科学优秀科研机构。 

      中心创始主任是刘国恩教授,目前任北京大学国家发展研究院长江学者特聘教授,北京大学全球健康发展研究院院长,中国医学科学院学部委员,《中美二轨健康对话》中方召集人。在刘国恩教授带领下,中心通过“北大青年卫生经济奖学金”和各种公益支持项目,在过去20年里培养了数百位青年学者,其中不少已经成为各自专业领域的领军人才。与此同时,中心长期承担并出色完成了国家自然科学基金、世界银行、WHO、国务院医改办、国家卫健委、工业与信息部、以及地方政府和国内外企业的多项纵向和横向科研项目,包括国家医改政策研究、公立医院改革、全球医院管理调查、北大健康经济学实验室、健康中国与经济发展等研究。近期在研的自科基金项目包括:国家自然科学基金支持的《基于世界管理调查的中国医院管理干预实验》;国家自然科学基金重点项目《精准健康扶贫的经济学实验:基于四川凉山的干预研究》。 中心还积极参与组织编写国家相关行业指南和技术标准,包括《中国药物经济学评价指南2020》,为中国医疗卫生和健康事业的规范发展积极贡献其专业力量。 



The Peking University (PKU) China Center for Health Economic Research CCHER) is a non-profit academic research institution established in 2003. Through scientific analysis and evaluation of health policies and medical technologies, CCHER aims to improve the efficiency of healthcare resource allocation, so as to promote the population health and socioeconomic development.

After over 20 years of development, CCHER has emerged as a premier academic think tank in China’s health policy and health technology assessment, achieving both domestic and international recognitions for its expertise and leading roles in the field research and policy contributions. . Following the "Global Go To Think Tank Index Report" from the University of Pennsylvania, CCHER consistently ranks first in China and 13th globally in 2020 among top domestic health affairs think tanks.

The founding director of CCHER is Professor Gordon G. Liu, who is a PKU BOYA Distinguished Professor of Economics at the PKU National School of Development, Dean of the PKU Institute for Global Health and Development, and a member of the Chinese Academy of Medicine.

Concurrently, CCHER has successfully undertaken a series of research projects, funded by leading institutions such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the State Council Healthcare Reform Office, the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, as well as various local governments and domestic and foreign enterprises. These projects encompass a wide range of topics, including national healthcare reform policies, public hospital reforms, global hospital management surveys, and population health and economic growth.

Recent two projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation are the "Chinese Hospital Management Intervention Experiment based on the World Management Survey", and "Economic Experiment of Health Poverty Alleviation Study in Liangshan, Sichuan". Moreover, CCHER plays an active role in organizing expert panels to document the national guidelines and technical standards for HTA, leading to the publication of "China’s Guidelines for Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation in 2020", which receives great recognition and adoptions from primary stakeholders and international agencies.

Over the past two decades, CCHER has played a pivotal role in cultivating numerous young scholars, notably through initiatives like the "Peking University Youth Health Economics Fellowship". Through this fellowship program, CCHER has nurtured over 200 young scholars both in China and abroad, many of the CCHER fellows have emerged as prominent figures in their respective fields.