澳大利亚蒙纳士大学副教授陈钢 健康经济学workshop简讯

2020-01-06 05:08:00 来源:

  20191230日上午,澳大利亚蒙纳士大学商学院副教授陈钢 (中心2006Fellow)在北京大学勺园7号楼中国卫生经济研究中心做了题为What determine our perceived socioeconomic position? Eliciting preferences on the relative importance of education, occupation and income的精彩讲座,刘国恩教授主持了报告会。


主讲人:陈钢  Centre for Health Economics (CHE), Monash University

  Dr Gang Chen is an Associate Professor and Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Fellow at CHE, Monash Business School, Monash University. As a health economist, his main roles within the CHE are 1) to lead the measurement and valuation of health outcomes; and 2) to provide specialist health economics expertise and advice for the design and analysis of discrete choice experiments for the quantification of stakeholder preferences for health and health care. His research areas also include health care finance, health and development, and health economic evaluation.




  People differ in terms of their socio-economic position in society. Groups with high socio-economic position have more power and status, and they are fortunate to have a better health. Generally, the higher their education, occupation and income, the higher would we consider their socio-economic position/status. However, the relative importance of education, occupation and income may differ across cultures and countries. This study aimed to find out what factors you think determine a person’s socio-economic position, or their status in society. An online discrete choice experiment was adopted to understand people’s trade-offs among education, occupation and income on socio-economic position in Australia and Norway. A preference-based socio-economic position index was generated for each country.