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发布日期:2022-11-04 05:42:00 来源:

       该项目是由国家自然科学基金委资助的常规面上项目(No. 71773002),由北京大学全球健康发展研究院刘国恩教授与清华大学医院管理研究院刘庭芳教授共同发起。该项目采用《世界管理调查》(WMS),首次以国际化且行之有效的方法定量、精确地测量出中国医院管理水平,并通过管理实验的方法针对医院管理问题进行系统改进。具体而言,本项目在建立国际标准化的中国医院管理数据库的基础上,全面系统地考察了中国医院管理水平在世界管理坐标系中的定位,分析影响医院管理水平的因素。进一步地,应用实验经济学的研究手段,从标准化运营、目标管理、绩效管理、人才管理四个维度探索医院管理水平提升对医院绩效影响的因果关系。本研究为公立医院改革、现代医院管理制度的建立提供了科学、客观、准确的实证依据。

China Hospital Management Intervention Experiment Based on World Management Survey (WMS)
This project is a routine general project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 71773002). It is co-chaired by Professor Gordon Liu from the Institute of Global Health Development of Peking University and Professor Tingfang Liu from the Institute of Hospital Management of Tsinghua University. This project is based upon WMS methodology and is the first study that has carried out an international validated study and provide quantitative, rigorous scores of hospital management in China. Also, it is innovative in systematically enhancing hospital management through economic experiment approach. Specifically, the database created from China Hospital Management Survey will enable us to compare the hospital management performance of international and China hospitals, and to conduct comprehensive analyses of determinants of Chinese hospital management. Furthermore, through experimental economics method, we can test the causal relationship between hospital management practice and performance across four dimensions: standardizing care, performance monitoring, target setting and talent management. This study will provide an empirical basis for the development of relevant policies to improve hospital management quality, hospital management, and better shape health governance in China.